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Software Testing as a Money Saving Tool

Posted 2016-05-25 01:05

2 minutes to read

QA Team at Rozdoum

Software testing. This term is frequently ignored, and its feasibility and benefits are often evaluated with skepticism. But is it true? Is it possible to recover costs spent on quality estimation?

Software testing. This term is frequently ignored, and its feasibility and benefits are often evaluated with skepticism. But is it true? Is it possible to recover costs spent on quality estimation? And what is the economic benefit?

In real life, testing has a major impact on the success of the final product. When customers want to reduce the cost of a project, they often resort to reducing the time spent on testing. Cutting down on quality control or having a lack of attention to this part of the project can lead to significant changes in time frames of the execution and release of the product. After all, a bug, which is discovered in the middle, or even worse, at the end stage of active development can cause serious problems and a large amount of effort thus goes into its tracking and, in consequence, it’s fixing. Not to mention an even worse scenario, having to correct post-release defects. The time, which can be spent on these corrections, takes three times longer than in the development phase.

Another important factor is the price of such bugs. The cost of repairing bugs which are discovered after delivery grows exponentially.

Investing in the early stages of software testing, as well as choosing the most appropriate testing methodologies, cardinally reduces the risk of defects in the final product. The involvement of professional testers and competent analysis allows one to optimize the application’s interface, as well as the workflow, to the needs of a particular group of consumers. This, in turn, will not only save time and money in the long term but also increase the speed and usability of the product.

Costs, of course, are associated with product quality. Releasing a product that has substandard quality entails not only a significant increase in the project budget but also, and most importantly, the confidence and loyalty of users. Is it worth it to pay more?

Is it worth it to pay more?

QA Team at Rozdoum