Mobile client for SAP
The mobile application for Android client for SAP ERP allows to work in the offline mode and send data with postponed synchronization.
Handle requests based on material planned object in order to automate the logistics processes. A necessity to run from a fox-hole without any connection to the central system. It was a challenge to convert and match data from ‘table’ views to objects and methods.
This android application enables to generate logistic requests, to confirm issuing with card confirmation, to control and manage stocks as well as check and plan soldiers’ items. The system consisting of the mobile client and the central server and synchronizing data on the postponed intervals basis was created by Rozdoum experts.
Java 8, Apache CXF, Jackson FasterXML, Commons (FileUpload, IO, Lang), Java Servlet, Spring MVC, Spring Web Services, Spring OXM, slf4j, JAXB, Hibernate, hsqldb, hibernate-c3p0, testng, Hibernate Generic DAO, gradle, Apache Axis, JSTL; Android SDK tools, Ormlight, Sqlcipher, gradle, Gson.
A location-based mobile marketplace that allows users sell and buy things. It combines the usual marketplace features with geolocation and social network features.
An online grocery shopping mobile application for ordering and delivering goods from the nearest store of the supermarkets’ chain.
A user-centered application for shopping milk-based children’s formula. The application allows a user to order the kids powder mixtures, schedule the deliveries, pay for the orders and track shipment history and statuses.