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Develop Software for Collecting Leads
Create Lead Generation System with Rozdoum. Get more leads and more clients with customized Lead Management Software developed by your needs.
Nowadays it’s necessary for any company to manage leads for growth. It’s a headache to count and maintain leads priority. To overcome that hurdles one need to develop software of lead management system. That software includes the following features and it will help to increase the productivity of staff as well as organization or company. And it will also help to get accurate reports and collect even an average or rate lead of the system. The features are:
- Step 1: lead creation (lead generation)
- Step 2: lead qualification
- Step 3: nurturing the lead 3.1: call to lead person
3.2: process on lead
3.3: testing of lead (finishing or submission of lead) - Step 4: bill generation (including the inventory of lead in nature of work type. like if manufacturing products are there then it will calculate the configuration of the description of material or machine.
- Step 5: process the payment .. so when you buy or develop the software of Lead Generation System.
It will be like mini ERP (entrepreneur resource planning) system for your company. To maintain and manage the staff of marketing can ensure our all ambition towards our business goals and prospects. It will save the time of manager or owner so they can work over the other factors of the company like stock, maintenance, production, hr, account etc. Profitability will increase in all matter. Lead Management System will give you daily, weekly and annual detailed reports so you can see and observe the performance of the employee and guide them towards the business perspective.
We’d like to tell you that this software will even be helpful to you in the reduction of maintenance. Reports will show how much amount you spent to generate one lead and what your output is!
So in future, you can make the better process, or go in some other innovative or less costly solution to make your lead. Software even contains reports on telecalling, e-mail marketing or other virtual ways of marketing. For that, you just need to customize it your way. By adjustment of some minor coding changes, we can even make ledger user-friendly for you.
Very normal but important thing is you can monetize working hours of your field marketing staff. When they call, when they submit the inventory, when they place the work order of client. If this time is much more then required then you can make it in meeting summary for employee and notify him regarding this process. Process can be more good and better for staff even. Incentive generator companies employee need to monetize their program so by evaluating they can spend more time on finding new leads and generate more business. It will be beneficial for organization as well as person itself. So over and all this all thing will going good after set up that particular software to work on your organization it will be a part of your system. And it will automatically take charge of your working nature. In magical ways it will start generating profitability and surely move you step ahead.
So start making happy hours in work!

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