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Rozdoum’s birthday 2015
Everybody knows that Birthday is a family and best friends holiday, full of positive emotions, happy smiles, and sincere feelings. This day is full of gifts, presents and surprises from relatives and all loved and dear people. A great checkpoint to analyze the past year, make right conclusions and build new plans.
Rozdoum’s Birthday celebration is a great tradition in the company that is supported by all our team members with a great pleasure. Especially symbolic that our Company Day coincides with our professional holiday – Programmer’s Day. That’s why every September we celebrate both holidays with double happiness.
This year marks the 11th birthday of the Rozdoum software development house! It may seem it is child’s age by human standards, however, the second decade is a significant growth factor for any company. This year we were seriously prepared to properly celebrate this glorious event.
We had exciting adventure quest and a tasty picnic with different goodies for our guys.
Happy Birthday to you, dear Rozdoum!

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