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An international corporate site built on Liferay, comprising a catalog of products, a blog, and video tutorials build on Liferay.
Rozdoum was supposed to design the user interface of the website and develop it on Liferay. The customer required multilingual support, adaptive design to make it convenient to use on different users’ devices. Liferay was a client-choice for the project. It was vital for the customer to have the Java-based CMS which is compatible with his production automation processes. Moreover, Liferay ensures the flexibility for the further extensions and updates of functionality. For example, the corporate site potentially would be re-organized into an online store.
We have created the UX as well as UI design of the site. Several layouts were offered for different site sections: the catalog, the blog, and video tutorials. The catalog was presented as a virtual showroom including a photo gallery, descriptions, and lists of benefits, as well as video tutorials.
All the functionality was implemented on Liferay according to client’s demands.
Additionally, we provided some consultancy and support services as technical experts related to the server side of the project. We assisted in installation and setting the Amazon services for shopping process.
Liferay 6.2, MySQL, AWS