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Rozdoum at the IDCEE
Rozdoum is finishing the last preparations for the IDCEE, the 2 days meeting with the investors & startups.
The event promises to be remarkable one with the innovative startup’s exhibition, top speakers day and several VIP parties. The IDCEE already announced more than 100 investors and investment funds attending the event.
The list of the international speakers represents entrepreneurs and different IT specialists with the tons of experience, successful projects behind and wish to help the young companies.
For our team, that is not only working on the projects of our clients but also generate fresh ideas such an event looks like a great opportunity to learn more from such a number of specialists. We are also interested in getting news from the startups market and share them in the event review.
If you are planning to attend and would like to meet up, just let us know. See you in Kyiv, 28-29 October.

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