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Eventor: How our clients make us better
Rozdoum has been hard at work behind-the-scenes, improving and developing new features for our internal projects.
To provide a high-quality service, you should listen to your customers’ ‘Wants’ and ‘Needs’. You should hear and meet their requirements.
We considered all of our clients’ responses and released an updated version of the Eventor mobile application.
One of the most popular requests from our customers was about the loading capacity. So, we decided to meet their halfway and made some improvements that now allow to add conferences with larger amount of data than ever before.
However, this new version is only a preparation for something greater than just the app for conferences! 🙂 We want to make your life more comfortable, informative and sociable.That is why Rozdoum enthusiasts continue working on new features to make a completely unique Eventor app update.
In the future version, our users will find a great number of vital additions, such as: fresh news feed with all information about the event; possibility to add pictures, photos, and videos; ability to share comments about the conference with other users. These and other sweet stuff is coming soon!
Get ready for the surprises and try our Eventor mobile app today!

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