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From paper jungles to perfect order with a single Event Manager Application
Our customers are event organizers. One of them asked us for help two months before their conference.It was a period of work in a furious pace. No stability, every day they should add some changes to speakers and talks lists or to their timetable. That is why they wasted plenty of time to inform the attendees by emails and calls, to arrange a new schedule. And printing the program was put off again and again. All this rush came near time breaking and made our customer worry a lot.
We offered them to create an application that can solve most of their problems. It contains all the data about timetable and agenda. The application is updated permanently from a server, so everyone who has it on their phone has access to the latest information. After placing it for free download the app was installed immediately by approximately 90% of attendees. It considerably decreased the time spent on the connection between the conference guests and organizers before and during the event.
At the event, a lot of attendees shared their impression of the tech novelty. It was much more easy-to-use, fast and handy than a pack of paper spreadsheets with all the sessions description.Lots of the event guests said that they have expected to profit by an app at the event. And it is not surprising. Especially in IT sphere people got used to deal with tech news. And although event mobile apps is fresh wind in event organizing, for most attendees its absence is already strange. So now a\this mobile application is a must-have for an event image.
Our customer has printed, however, a paper version for those attendees who didn’t have iPhone or Android gadgets. But we hope that the day when full of paper conference bags leave our lives is not far off.
Since we began developing mobile apps for events, we have never regretted it. The biggest value is our clients’ appreciation. We gather feedback, and sometimes event organizers suggest some new features to add or retell us funny stories taking place at events. But they are solid in one thing: there are plenty of benefits by getting this tool of event coordination.
So is such thing as a mobile application worthy of spending time and money? Let’s examine the distinctions that event organizer gets when starts using mobile applications.
1. New event image. As it has been already mentioned, there are no little things in event organizing. Everything in complex gives a general impression to attendees. It concerns especially IT conferences because their attendees are very close to technical news.
2. It is an additional convenience for event’s participants. They notice each detail that makes them feel comfortable and orientate themselves easily. Going to a conference or taking part in some forum people tend to get new knowledge, to share their experience, to meet new business partners, etc. Wasting time looking for schedule or talk place is unacceptable. Having loaded mobile app, the attendee can arrange their agenda even before the event starts.
3. Connection with attendees gets closer. Every little change in the event program can be immediately distributed among participants by the application. An organizer can share information about sessions, venue, participants quickly and efficiently. We are glad that
We are happy that the event organizers are hospitable people who take attendees of their event as their own friends and guests. Undoubtedly, they aim is to do their best so that their guests get the maximum possible from the event and keep the warmest recollections after its finishing.

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