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Meet WatchTower as ALPHA Startup at Web Summit
This November Rozdoum takes part in Web Summit in Lisbon with our WatchTower as a startup.
For 7 years from its establishment, Web Summit has grown from 400-visitors local event to the world-wide conference expecting 60,000 attendees from 160 countries. It is a technology marketplace and a launching platform for startups now. Earlier this year Rozdoum introduced WatchTower at Atlassian Summit, won Codegeist Hackathon and now presents WatchTower as a startup at the ALPHA exhibition.
First WatchTower’s users give the insight that it may grow to something bigger. WatchTower may extend it from one board for multiple Jiras to a single agile board for different project management tools. Just imagine, you can have one place to collect relevant data from tools like Asana, Basecamp, Wrike, SmartSheet, TargetProcess, and others. WatchTower is going to be a place to consolidate critical data from projects hosted in different management systems.
The second goal to achieve at WebSummit is the extension of our network with partners and potential clients in areas of specialization. At Rozdoum we believe that nowadays there are two main directions you can’t escape if you deal with providing development and consulting services — Atlassian and Mobile. Every business feels the need in a tool for a team collaboration and is almost forced to go mobile to satisfy people’s communication needs. Rozdoum has an experience and capacities to deliver custom solutions for both domains.
Web Summit is expected to be the largest networking hub. Rozdoum’s team will enjoy meeting our customers at the events, speaking with potential partners, chatting, and hanging out. Write us to schedule a meeting or visit our stand A430, Software Exhibition Area on November 8. Let us get in touch with you at Web Summit.

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