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Rozdoum insight about Atlassian Summit 2017 in Barcelona
Atlassian Summit passed, the emotions faded and we are ready to demonstrate our impressions regarding this event.
This year Rozdoum was an Innovator Sponsor at the Atlassian Summit Europe in Barcelona.
We set three goals for the event:
- increasing company acknowledgment and promoting the reputation;
- collecting feedback on WatchTower Add-on;
- networking.
We achieved our goals. Almost all the preparation that we made to enlarge our communication circle were successful. That was all the email marketing campaigns that raised awareness and hooked the interest of the people to attend our booth. Another good working idea was an insight on company presentation highlighted by uniform, marketing materials, and a video presentation that made our message coherent to the audience.
Since there were not so many people as it was expected, we had to change our initial scenario of behavior and to walk around the exhibition center looking for our partners, visitors, and interested people. The Expo Hall was separated from the main Summit activities for some reasons, and this was not a good solution from the organizers. Besides, we prepared some entertaining stuff, which we had to put off because of lack of space on the booth. The stand was very small and closed from both sides. It was even hard to talk nearby, that is why several meetings were followed by “after parties” to communicate in a comfortable atmosphere.
As for our add-on, WatchTower — we gathered lots of feedback and took attention from some of the key players in the Atlassian field like Adaptavist and Atlassian representatives themselves. This communication results would drive further development effort with a goal to have the add-on delivered to the marketplace in the near future.
We plan to cover several more markets and provide Atlassian-based services after we finish our Atlassian Certification Exams this summer. We hope our Atlassian Summit connections will bring us new challenging projects.
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