Docker Lightweight Solution
Lightweight and easy distributable solution for Atlassian Bamboo Server and Build Agents based on Docker.
Set up a lightweight and easy distributable solution for Bamboo Server and Bamboo Build Agents that can be quickly deployed on any server.
Docker was used to create a Docker containing all the environment for the Atlassian Bamboo Server and the Bamboo Server itself. Also, a set of Docker images were created for Bamboo Build Agents to accommodate various needs for build environments. The solution can be easily deployed on any server meeting the hardware needs. One only has to install and run the Docker engine on the host and quickly deploy the provided images (or can even build the images themselves from a small text Dockerfile). The Server and Build Agents are configured to work in a Docker Swarm.
Thus, a complete Atlassian Bamboo build infrastructure can be deployed on a new host in a matter of 30 minutes.
Compared to Virtual Machines approach, the docker solution is much more lightweight and universal. There is no need to copy and transfer large files of virtual machines that are often created for a specific virtual machine management systems (Microsoft HyperV, VMWare) and is not run as easily as docker images.
Atlassian Bamboo, Docker, Docker Swarm.
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